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St John's Primary School, Coleraine
Everyone is welcome to come along to our Open Night on Tuesday 3rd December @6.30pm. We look forward to seeing you there!
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2017/2018 School Year

13th Jun 2018
Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Year 1 Open Morning. It was a pleasure...
8th Jun 2018
Thank you to everyone who joined us for Sports Day. It was fantastic to see so many...
1st Jun 2018
Well done to our word millionaires and double word millionaires. Congratulations...
25th May 2018
Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Year 1 to 3 Sports Day. It was a great...
22nd May 2018
Congratulations to Year 4 who made their First Holy Communion on Saturday 19th May.
4th May 2018
Thank you to Year 2 for a beautiful assembly. They told us all about our Mother...
4th May 2018
Well done to Year 4 who created beautiful castles. They were to measure their castle...
27th Apr 2018
Congratulations to Mrs Cunning and our Choir for their recent success at the Coleraine...
20th Apr 2018
Our new after schools club 'Embracing the outdoors' is proving to be very popular....
20th Apr 2018
With the good weather finally joining us we decided to make a start on our Sports...