These Are Our Streets
Shared Education

“Shared Education involves the provision of opportunities for children and young people from different community backgrounds to learn together,” (Education and Training Inspectorate).
We are very proud of our links with Killowen Primary School and how they enhance the children’s experiences – both inside and outside school.
We have a long history of working together and now we are building upon the already existing relationship between the two schools and we are progressing to the next level where our main focus is on raising standards in teaching and learning.
Most recently we are together in a new joint 4-year programme funded by Shared Education Signature Project, overseen by ETI. Staff work together to plan, teach and evaluate learning across the curriculum to enhance learning for every child in every year group in both schools. The school grounds, local area and the amenities close by are utilised to ensure the children have memorable learning experiences.
We are now in the fourth year of our planned programme of work and the partnership continues to flourish and develop.
The children from both schools will be involved in a series of shared lessons, throughout this year. The aim of the programme this year will be to develop friendships and promote learning through Science Investigation, Literacy, Numeracy, World Around Us activities. This project will enable the two schools to share good practice and expertise and to plan and deliver lessons together.
Both pupils and staff thoroughly enjoy learning together and developing friendships through the Shared Education sessions.
Keep an eye out for photographs and videos of our shared learning.