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St John's Primary School, Coleraine
Everyone is welcome to come along to our Open Night on Tuesday 3rd December @6.30pm. We look forward to seeing you there!
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Pre School

We have close working relationships with our local pre-school settings to ensure a smooth transition for children coming to our school in September. Throughout the school year, our Year 1 teacher visits each pre-school to meet the children and to give them the opportunity to become familiar with her. As well as this, all pre-school children and their leaders are invited to watch our Year 1, 2 and 3 Christmas shows. This allows the children to visit our school before joining us as pupils in September. In June we have an Induction Morning for our new pupils and their parents/guardians. During this time, the children visit their new classroom whilst their parents receive important information about their child starting school and participate in educational workshops. Throughout the course of the year, parents in our pre-school settings receive our ‘Community Newsletters’ informing them about the life and learning occurring here at St. John’s.