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St John's Primary School, Coleraine


Investigating angles in our school environment, capturing their image and then using 'MarkUp' on the iPad to annotate and describe the size of each angle
Investigating angles in our school environment, capturing their image and then using 'MarkUp' on the iPad to annotate and describe the size of each angle
Investigating angles in our school environment, capturing their image and then using 'MarkUp' on the iPad to annotate and describe the size of each angle
Investigating angles in our school environment, capturing their image and then using 'MarkUp' on the iPad to annotate and describe the size of each angle

I.C.T. is a fundamental area of learning and it is incorporated into every other area of learning daily. We have a dedicated I.C.T. suite which contains desktop computers to allow whole year groups to develop their I.C.T. skills. In each classroom, there is a Promethean Panel to allow high quality learning and teaching to occur as children can interact with c2k software and age appropriate online resources.

Each classroom has access to iPad technology to enhance our I.C.T. provision and prepare our children for the technological world. To compliment the use of iPads we have installed Apple TV in every classroom including the I.C.T. suite. This provision allows our children to showcase their skill development when interacting with a digital device and share their learning with their peers.

Through the use of I.C.T. we address eSafety issues with our children and work closely with our parents to ensure they are fully informed of the dangers involved with using devices connected to the internet and how they can protect their children from online dangers.   

Meet our Year 1 Children through the Chatterpix app!