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St John's Primary School, Coleraine
Click on our Shared Education E-Safety Rap to hear the message being sung by our Year 7 pupils!
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After School Club


We offer after school childcare from 2 until 5pm, Monday to Friday at a cost of £3 per hour (or part of hour). Parents and Guardians are asked to book and make payment each Monday for the week ahead. Bookings can be made by emailing the school secretary at and sending online payment via bank transfer or alternatively payment and booking can be made via the school office. We will accept late bookings only in cases of unforeseen circumstances. Children who avail of this service have the opportunity to participate in a range of activities which include:

  • Arts and Crafts
  • ICT
  • Outdoor Play
  • Cookery
  • Games
  • Homework Club (Monday to Wednesday)
  • Multi-Sports.

Friday Fun Club takes place each Friday from 2-4pm and has a specific focus each week.  The focus is communicated via the school's Social Media platforms, including the weekly SWAY.