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St John's Primary School, Coleraine
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Churchlands Project

Through this project we receive additional funding to raise our children’s attainment, improve attendance and behaviour as well as engaging with parents through programmes and workshops. We achieve these targets by employing an additional teacher and teaching assistant to support our Foundation Stage children. We also have a Transition Support Worker who visits our school each week to support our Newcomer children.

Over the course of the year, we provide opportunities for our parents to develop their understanding of Numeracy and Literacy programmes used in school and how they can support their child(ren) effectively. These workshops include how to use Numicon to develop our children’s understanding of key concepts in Numeracy. Each October, we host a parents’ information evening on Sounds~Write linguistic phonics programme which is used to teach the key skills needed to read and write. Our Foundation Stage teachers host an extra-curricular activity for six weeks in Term 2 to support numeracy and literacy understanding amongst our children with parents and guardians in attendance.

We also enlist the expertise of outside agencies to develop our parents’ awareness of key issues affecting our children. We have hosted a Mental Health information session and in partnership with two other schools involved in this project, we organised an eSafety information session in a shared space.