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St John's Primary School, Coleraine
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Children in Years 3 to 7 participate in Mathletics which is a safe online mathematics and numeracy resource. Each child has their own personalised profile which records their progress in each content area. There are three areas contained within the programme: Learn, Play, Review.  In ‘Learn’ students have access to curriculum activities, tutorials and print-based materials to support and extend online learning. In ‘Play’ children develop their maths fluency and problem solving. They can play ‘Live Mathletics’ in a safe environment as they can compete against their class peers and those from around the world. The website contains animated tutorials, audio support and adapts the questions to suit the child’s ability and pace of learning. Teachers can assess children’s performance to identify areas of improvement and set specific tasks to address learning gaps. At the end of every half term, we have a ‘Mathletics Assembly’ to celebrate the children’s effort and attainment in the programme.