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St John's Primary School, Coleraine
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Digital Leaders

To assist and develop the ICT skills of our pupils in St John’s Primary School we have developed the role of Digital Leaders. We have eight digital leaders in school from Years 5 to 7.  As part of the role of Digital Leader, children are expected to:

  • Test and review new apps.
  • Set up ICT equipment in classrooms for teachers.
  • Charge iPads weekly and ensure all apps are downloaded and updated regularly.
  • Test new ICT resources, which could be websites, software or hardware.
  • Share their skills and expertise with other pupils, classes and teachers.
  • Lead ICT Club at lunchtime and as part of our Extra Curricular Programme.
  • Work with children from other schools on specific projects.
  • Take part in training led by Apple in the Apple store in Belfast and also the Apple Regional Training Centre in Foreglen.