Mission Statement from our children

We the pupils of St. John’s want to feel happy and safe in our school. We want happy classrooms where everyone feels valued and able to learn throughout the school day with friendly staff and pupils. We want to reach new heights in all that we do.
We would like our opinions and ideas to be listened to, discussed, and considered. If our ideas are not used, then we want to know why. We want to be treated equally with everyone being given the same opportunities to learn, follow their interests, develop their talents and learn new skills. Our school is a place where we can develop our talents and share them with others whilst we help each other to find and develop theirs.
We know that our trusted adults will make the right choices for us to grow as learners and that our experiences will be in a positive and stimulating environment. We want to trust that our classmates will let us learn every day. We enjoy being given responsibilities in our classroom and school so that we can take ownership in these areas.
We are all different and unique and we like the way that our differences are celebrated, and we want this to continue.
School Council – November 2024