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St John's Primary School, Coleraine

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Welcome to St. John's


Photo Gallery

Inclusion Quality Mark - Centre of Excellence
Inclusion Quality Mark - Centre of Excellence
Preventative Curriculum - 'Growing Up in a Digital World' with Wayne Denner
Preventative Curriculum - 'Growing Up in a Digital World' with Wayne Denner
Causeway Coast and Glens Eco Schools' Award Ceremony
Causeway Coast and Glens Eco Schools' Award Ceremony
Sand Art with North Coast World Earth
Sand Art with North Coast World Earth
Y7 End of Year School Trip
Y7 End of Year School Trip

Principal's Welcome

Minister web launch

Welcome to our website.

We hope that by visiting our website you get a sense of what St. John's is all about.

We are a school that, through our Catholic ethos, provide a nurtuing and caring environment for our children.  We are inclusive, child-centred and focused on supporting each child to achieve to the best of his/her ability in all aspects of school life.

Should you wish to get in touch with us for further information, please contact us and we will be happy to help.

With every best wish

Helen Mc Donnell